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IELTS Prep Tutor-TalkFace AI

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Talkface - Twój osobisty trener AI do opanowania płynności w języku angielskim, teraz ulepszony poza IELTS, aby wspierać wszechstronne nauczanie języka angielskiego.
Opanuj angielski mówiony dzięki spersonalizowanym kursom i asystentom AI, poprawiając swoje wyniki w pracy, codziennym życiu oraz na egzaminach TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS.

1. Kursy Mówienia Po Angielsku: Wiele kursów angielskiego pomoże Ci nauczyć się języka od poziomu A1 do B2.
2. Rozmowy w Rzeczywistych Warunkach: Uczestnicz w symulowanych rozmowach z prawdziwego świata, aby osiągnąć sukces na egzaminach IELTS, TOEFL i TOEIC.
3. Próbne Testy IELTS: Doświadcz automatycznego oceniania opartego na AI z nieograniczoną ilością próbnych testów z różnymi akcentami.
4. Natychmiastowa Informacja Zwrotna: Jak prawdziwy nauczyciel angielskiego.
5. Precyzyjna Edycja Esejów: Udoskonal swoje eseje dzięki profesjonalnej edycji, oferując wzorcowe eseje dostosowane do różnych zakresów punktowych.

【Friendly Reminder】
-- If you encounter any problems, please try to open: Talkface APP - the question mark at the top right corner of the homepage - directly contact us and explain your problem, we will follow up and solve it.
-- We are constantly fixing bugs and optimizing our products. Your feedback is the greatest help for us to improve our services in the future!

【Automatic Renewal of Premium Pro Membership】
-- Premium Pro membership benefits: 50 dialogues per day, polishing, expanding and translation features, various accent choices, and reference example features.
-- Subscription period: 1 month (Premium Pro Membership monthly product), 6 months (Premium Pro Membership semi-annual product), 12 months (Premium Pro Membership annual product).
-- Subscription price: The IAP application information shall prevail, for example, the monthly product is $8.99 per month, the semi-annual product is $44.99 every six months, and the annual product is $79.99 per year.
-- Payment: The users account will be charged after confirming the purchase and payment into the iTunes account.
-- Cancellation of renewal: If you need to cancel the renewal, please manually turn off the automatic renewal feature in iTunes/Apple ID settings management at least 24 hours before the current subscription period expires.
-- Renewal: Your Apple iTunes account will be charged within 24 hours before expiration. After the charge is successful, the subscription period will be extended for one subscription period.

【Automatic Renewal of Premium Max Membership】
-- Premium Max membership benefits: 500 dialogues per day, IELTS/TOEFL practice and mock exams, IELTS mini range prediction questions, and intelligent summary features.
-- Subscription period: 1 month (Premium Max Membership monthly product), 2 months (Premium Max Membership bi-monthly product), 6 months (Premium Max Membership semi-annual product).
-- Subscription price: The IAP application information shall prevail, for example, the monthly product is $14.99 per month, the bi-monthly product is $19.99 every two months, and the semi-annual product is $59.99 per year.
-- Payment: The users account will be charged after confirming the purchase and payment into the iTunes account.
-- Cancellation of renewal: If you need to cancel the renewal, please manually turn off the automatic renewal feature in iTunes/Apple ID settings management at least 24 hours before the current subscription period expires.
-- Renewal: Your Apple iTunes account will be charged within 24 hours before expiration. After the charge is successful, the subscription period will be extended for one subscription period.
-- Privacy Policy:
-- User Agreement: